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What's your excuse?


The devil loves excuses. He's the father of lies and uses them expertly, but he can also do a lot with an excuse.

For years I allowed myself to feel like I would never be effective in foreign missions because I only know English. After all, I'm a communicator, and all of the "experts" tell you to operate out of your strengths. Why wouldn't God use me to do the thing He naturally gifted me for?

I love public speaking, in English. They say it's the number one fear people have, but I legitimately enjoy it. I also love writing, and reading. As a people person, simple conversations give me life and allow me to share life with others -in English.

In my mind, I simply work best when I'm operating out of my strength.

So, when God started calling me to move to Guatemala, it didn't make any sense in my mind. Why would He send me to a place where I can't speak, can't write, and struggle to have any real conversation?

I still remember the moment He officially called me to this mission. I was sitting on a hillside overlooking a beautiful, lush, green valley at Casa Shalom orphanage near Guatemala City. I could hear the sound of the kids playing in the background. As a cool, mountain breeze blew into my face, I sensed the Father telling me... I'm calling you and Eli to serve me here in Guatemala.

My initial response was surprise. Eli has always been the one with a missionary heart. I do my best work in the good, old, USA. After all, I don't even speak Spanish. I asked the Lord how He could even use me in a place where none of my giftings would seem to matter.

He gave me the words He had also given the Apostle Paul in 2 Cor 12:9.

"My grace is sufficient for you. My power is perfected in weakness."

God was taking away my excuses. Instead of relying on my own abilities, which He gave me, the Lord was asking for my total reliance on Him. It would be His grace alone, not my giftings or talents, that would be my strength in this new calling.

God calls us each to GO. He's always asking us to step out of our comfort zones and do a thing for His kingdom. We usually feel inadequate, unprepared, or unworthy. We are reminded of our sinful condition, and we operate in a world filled with excuses.

Jesus wants us to lay those excuses down, trust in His grace, and allow His power to transform us. The thing He's called you to is usually too big for you to do on your own anyway. That's why He's asking you to do it... because He knows you'll need Him to accomplish any of the things He has called you to.

Every time God asks us to GO, it's an opportunity to draw closer to Him in our walk. Where is He calling you today? What's your excuse? Remember, it's not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord.

Allow his Spirit to move through you. In your weakness, He's made strong. The Lord is going to bring it about anyways, so you have no need for excuses.



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