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Grateful to Go

GRATITUDE is a GReat ATTITUDE. When God tells us to do a thing for His kingdom, we only control a few things.

We can't control what He's asked us to do, or the outcome of it. That's up to His spirit, at work in us. We are responsible only for saying yes and walking out the calling with a great attitude. With gratitude.

Jesus is the author and perfecter of our faith, so He's at work in us and through us. But we never really know exactly how things are going to turn out when we're on a mission for Him.

Our job isn't to worry about the outcomes. Rather, we are called to do the thing, and do it with a so-glad-He-called-me-to-do-this smile on our faces.

I'm not talking about a fake smile either. I'm talking about a proper heart condition. Out of 8 billion people on the world, you mean, the creator of the universe called me to witness to my neighbor? He called you to (fill in the blank)?

Heb 12:2 tells us that Jesus' crucifixion was a "joy".

"looking to Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God."

Unpack that. Jesus' cross was a joy that was set before Him. This same Jesus told us to take up our cross and follow Him; to do the things He did. The same Jesus who is writing your story, guiding you into all truth, and making your faith perfect.

Paul says to "consider it pure joy when you face trials of many kinds." If we're to be joyful in times of trial, we should certainly be joyful when fulfilling a work God has called us to.

So, what has God been telling you to do? Have you done it yet? As you walk it out, what's your attitude?


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